Monday, 12 January 2015

5 tips to get HEALTHY!

 Unbenannt #4

Since I mentioned in my latest blog post, that I want to try to live a healthier lifestyle this year, I thought that it was only appropriate to dedicate this blog post towards this topic.
I will show you 5 simple tips to kick-start your HEALTHY lifestyle!


Always check the ingredients before purchasing a product! The less ingredients a product contains, the better and if you don't even know what the ingredients are, why even eat it?
The goal is to eat as unprocessed as possible. Processed foods are for example bread, pasta and rice. If you don't want to cut them out completely, try going for the whole wheat version. It will still make a difference. But if you are really trying to loose weight I would cut them out completely.
Of course any type of sweets shouldn't be part of your diet, but I think that point is self explanatory. Occasionally it is perfectly fine to treat yourself and have that burger or that ice cream, but if you decide to have this "cheat meal", just don't overdo it and of course don't do it to often. I treat myself, too. Everyone does :).
Instead of eating processed food, which is really not doing your body any good, just try eating more fruits and veggies. It will do wonders for your body!


Needless to say, water is great for you! Not only does it hydrate you, but it also detoxifies your body and gets rid of all the toxins.
Try to stay away from sodas, juices, hot chocolates, etc. These kind of drinks are just not good for you and they contain a lot of empty calories. If you find it boring to just stick to water, try mixing some fruits in (raspberries, lemons,...) or drink tea. There are so many different types of teas, which all have different benefits for your body!
Try drinking 2-3l a day. This is the amount you need to stay hydrated.
It might be difficult at the beginning, but once you have turned it into a habbit, it will be so easy for you. And we all know, once it's a habbit, it is very difficult to get rid of it. :)

3. EXERCISE DAILY (....or 3-4 days a week :D)

Our bodies were made to move. You won't loose any weight, if you don't exercise. Well, maybe you will, but only for a short amount of time and of course everyone wants to maintain their weight after having achieved their "dream body".
In general it is just so important to be active, to get the heart rate up and to basically just "have a sweat" once in a while.
I like to go jogging or do workouts at home. I don't even have a gym membership and you don't particularly need one either. You can also just go for walks, if you really don't like to work out. It doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you're doing something.


Having meals more frequently will keep your metabolism going, causing you to burn more calories, compared to only eating three times a day. This aspect kind of goes hand in hand with the last aspect. So do keep in mind that the portions have to be smaller! :D
I have tried eating like this for quite some time now and in my opinion it definitely works. It keeps me full and satisfied and you realise that you really don't need the amount of food you used to. But keep in mind this primarily works if you're eating healthy. Unhealthy foods (fastfood, pizza,...) won't satisfy you, because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs.


When you eat 5-6 times a day, you will definently have to cut the size of your portions and you won't even need to eat the amount that you used to. Although, I do recommend doing this change slowly, because otherwise it won't last. For example, instead of doing all of these tips at once, just keep eating the same amount of food, but eat healthy. You will soon notice that you get full much sooner and you will cut down on the portion size automatically. Just try it! :)

These are all my tips, that I will be showing you in this blog post. If you are interested in more blog posts, which deal with being healthy or staying fit, just let me know!

Rebecca Roses


  1. Great tips! I definitely need to follow a few of these to help burn off the Christmas pounds! Do you have a Bloglovin account or something that I could follow you on? xx

    1. Thank you so much! You are the first person to comment on my blog! :) Yes I do have a Bloglovin account, here's the link:
